Thursday, November 11, 2010

Check up time

Garrett had his 6th month check up on Monday. He was 16lbs 7oz. (Addy at a year 18lbs 8oz). He is 50th percent in weight and 65th percent in length. He is doing very well. Garrett started solids two weeks ago. We have made it through vegetable and half way through fruits. He is grabbing food from your hand if it is anywhere in his reach. He is my eater.

Addison had her 30 month check up at the same time. This is new this year to check their social development which we are not lacking in. She talks more than Brandt and I put together. The only concerning point to the appointment was that she is growing up but not out. She grew 2 and one half inchs and only 1 lb. The doctor started her on a appetite stimulate. Hopefully this will make my baby eat and gain weight.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween 2010

She loved trick or treating. Addison would walk up to a front door say trick or treat, thank you and then all of a sudden she said let me grant you a wish. I love the things that come out of her mouth. She is just amazing and funny.

My little pumpkin and fairy princess! She is loving holidays with all the decorations. Christmas should and will be so much fun this year.

It has been to long.....

This is my little man all the time. He doesn't cry and he always has a smile on his face. He laughs out loud at his sister all day long. She is in love with him. They just love on each other. I am so blessed with great kids.

He started sitting up about a week after his 5 month birthday.

I love this picture. We went to the pumpkin patch in shorts and t shirts only in Georgia. I am sorry that I have not updated the site in such a long time. I am not sure where the time goes. I try to play with them every minute of the day so when they sleep I am going a mile a minute. We are looking forward to seeing all the family on Thanksgiving and then Christmas.
We were in DC about two weeks ago and got to meet Baby Morgan. She was adorable. I think that Garrett could of rolled over and smashed her, my little big man and little Morgan. We go for his 6 month check up next week. He was 16 lbs at the GI doctor this week, lets put this in relation to our world. Addy was 18 lbs at a year. He is huge to me but only 25-50% in weight and 90% in height.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thought I was busy before!

My little buddy is growing up. He is almost 4 months. You think that you are busy with one child then you have another baby. You realize that you were not busy at all.
Garrett is so happy during the day. He smiles all day long.

He is still not sleeping through the night but we still love him. He is just getting up one time but mommy and daddy are tired. If anyone wants to let Garrett know this, please feel free.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

8 weeks

Garrett has improved so much in the past couple of weeks. He is pretty much sleeping through the night. He has really started to smile this week. He is getting much more interactive.

Lindsey, Matt and Alex came to Ben's Shower over the weekend. Alex and Addy were so sweet together.

Garrett has turned into a much happier baby! The smiling is making mommy a much happier mommy also. It is much more rewarding a smiling baby instead of a screaming baby.

My little rock star!!! I could not ask for a happier easy going child. She has been great with Garrett. She still tells him she loves him and he is her "friend". I thought the newest of the baby would wear off by now and she might decide she doesn't like him but not yet. Thank God!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Professional Photos

We had a photographer come to the house and get newborn pictures of Garrett and 2 year old pictures of Addison. The pictures turned out great. Garrett is almost 6 weeks now. I think that his reflux is getting better. We started a new medicine last week and we are increasing the dose again today. Addison is still loving her little brother.

We took Addison to the pool on Saturday and Sunday. She loved every minute of it. She was not scared at all. She was going underwater and wanting to jump off the diving board. She has no fear. She was kicking and screaming when we left the pool both days after being there for 2 and a half hours.

I am adjusting slowly but surely to being a mother of two. It is more difficult than I thought. I think that more of it is more guilt of not being able to play with Addison as much.

Friday, May 28, 2010

3rd Week of Life

Baby Garrett has definitely woken up. He stays up for about an hour after he eats then takes a short nap. I still am feeling very blessed although Brandt goes back to work next week. I am alittle nervous about Brandt going back to work. I am sure that I will get use to it but I am sure next week will be a shock to the system.

2nd Week of Life

We have been very blessed again with a good tempered baby. We had to go back to the pediatrician this week for a check. Overly protective ICU nurse mommy was worried about about some funny breathing baby Garrett was doing while eating. After the pediatrician told me not to worry, we made a visit to the ENT doctor who informed us that baby Garrett just has a bad case of reflux. We were started on zantac (acid reducer for the belly). We will revisit the ENT in three weeks for a recheck. Although baby Garrett is not at all bothered by the reflux, he is just as even tempered as Addy. On a good note, Garrett weighed 8lbs 8oz. He has gained a whole pound in three weeks way to go.

Addy absolutely loves her baby brother. Every morning he gets a hug and kiss and a good morning baby Garrett.

He is sleeping from 10pm until 3am and then till 6:30-7am. I am needless to say extremely lucky.

Papaw and Mimi came to visit. Addison truly enjoys there visits. They play with her no stop. I am sure that Papaw is extremely proud of his first grandson.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Garrett's 1st Week

First bath at home

Garrett joined the family on May 6th at 39 weeks. It was just as easy of a delivery as Addison's. He was 7lbs 5oz and 21 inch's long. We have been very blessed Addy thinks Garrett is wonderful. She gives Garrett hugs every morning and tells him she loves him. He was back up to birth weight by Monday at the doctors appointment. They said that I could let him sleep for 5 hours at night which was a blessing to mom and dad. He is getting feed at 10pm and waking at 1-2am and not again till 6-7am. I love him. We have been extremely lucky and blessed with two beautiful and healthy children but we are officially done.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

The pictures are out of order but she just took her hands away from her eyes from playing hide and seek.

Addy has started to learn how to play hide and seek. She is hiding her eyes (can't you tell).

One more picture of her and her pal Keller searching for eggs.

Easter Egg Hunt

Addy thought the Easter Egg Hunt was wonderful. She immediately ran out and started grabbing the eggs. I still can not believe how big she is getting everyday.

She touched the Easter bunny. We are making progress from Christmas since she would not even touch Santa.

A web site said the other day that the average words that a 22 month old child says is 20. She picks up in a day probably 4 new words. I would think that her vocabulary is in the hundreds. She says 3-4 word sentences. She talks as much as Brandt and I do. I am sure that she gets this from me not Brandt. She sings 4 or 5 songs by herself. I want this to slow down. I absolutely love this age.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Continued 1st haircut and playing at the Avenue

I wish I knew if she thought these statues were real. She loves playing with them.
Papaw and Meme visited this weekend. We had a great time visiting with them. She wakes up every morning asking to see Papaw and Meme. We wish we could live near everyone.

Brandt and I celebrate our 3rd Anniversary this week. I have been pregnant for 2 of them. I am looking forward to next year when we can really go out and celebrate . It is hard to believe that we are about to be the parents of two children. These 3 years have flown by. I would do it all again. We are so blessed with such a wonderful, happy, healthy child. We just pray that this little boy is just as sweet. She is going to be hard to beat.

Addison's 1st haircut and playing at the Avenue

It is so funny everytime we see these statues I guess she thinks they are real. She will bend down to look at them and pets them like a real dog.

Proud daddy sitting on the bench with his little girl.

Addy's 1st haircut. She did not like sitting in the chair. I was doing everything to distract her while she got her hair cut. She brushed my hair and watched TV. She just needed a little taken off the back. They did a great job.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Addison playing in the snow

Her little hands and nose were freezing when we tried to carry her in kicking and screaming. Kids have no concept of cold. She was in the bath tub tonight and told me that she needed to poop. I put her up on the potty and she went poop and pee. She was so excited and mommy was so excited also. She is really talking in sentences now. Addison looked at me last night and said "I want milk" and then tonight "I want grapes". I love that she is able to start telling me things. This age is wonderful. She is so cute and interactive. I love being her mommy.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

90th Birthday Trip to Dallas, TX

Brandt's whole family

She loved to sit at the piano and play. She thought it was great.

Brandt's Grandfather turned 90 this past weekend. I guess that I married into good genes if nothing else. He is doing excepectional for 90 he gets around like he is 70. Brandt's cousin PJ was able to fly in from Virginia also. We had a great time staying at his aunt and uncle house. The surprise party went really well. The car ride and the plane ride were the worst. The plane was trip was so bad that I am refusing to get on a plane for the rest of the year. We got on the plane to come home at 3pm off the plane at 4pm back on at 4:30 then sat on the runway till 8:30. We landed at the wonderful time of 10:30 got in bed at 12:30 and up for work at 5am. I love air travel.

Addy and I had decided to fly in a day early to spend some time with my friend Colin and her boys. They had been sick so Addy and I had a girls only day and night in a swanky hotel that Daddy set his girls up in. We played at the mall next door to the hotel at there indoor play area. We ate dinner and watched the ice skaters in the mall ice skating rink. Addy got to take the longest bath ever with the water running the whole time (her favorite thing).